Monday, March 1, 2010

Website/Business Cards/Branding!

I've been busy the last few weeks with my branding; getting my logo set, figuring out how to make a professional-looking business card that is also eye-catching, and FINALLY finishing up and posting my website.

It's taken me months, and an unbelievable amount of stress, but my website,, is finally up! Its professional, has beautiful slideshows for viewing my work, and is worth the 400/year I will be paying for it. I created it through Site Welder , so for any of you photographers that want to relieve yourself of the stress of making a website and happen to have some extra money, I highly recommend it. Its all customizable and they have a pretty good selection of templates. 

Although it was technically an assignment for my photo portfolio class, I have also finished my business logo:

Its simple, fresh, and modern, which is exactly how I want to represent myself. I didn't want a super graphic logo, because I wanted it to represent my name clearly, as I will most likely never become a household name. I need people to remember my name, not an abbreviation/symbol in which it may get lost in. 

As for my business cards, I've also been struggling for quite some time to get them right. After some inspirational searches on google, I finally found a design that reflects my branding, but is also simple:

Comments and suggestions are always welcome! 

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